Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Boston youth give feedback after conference

After the event "LIFT" in Boston, some audience members share their reactions of the main speaker, Mario St. Francis. LIFT is an exciting monthly worship event which includes vibrant praise and worship music, dynamic, challenging speakers and Eucharistic Adoration. LIFT is for all ages from young adults to adults to teens to entire families. This months series is entitled BEHOLD YOUR MOTHER with guest speaker Mario St. Francis. Before his conversion, Mario was a top fashion model and actor and was even named one of America's Most Eligible Bachelors by Cosmopolitan Magazine in 1999. All that is behind him now and today, he travels the world as a Catholic evangelist and missionary. We are excited to have him share his story with us! For more information about LIFT, visit the website at www.LiftedHigher.com and join in worship with hundreds of Catholics from around the Boston area!
Watch the video also using this direct web address http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjunCIh05o0