Thursday, February 12, 2009

Humor - "Butt-prints in the Sand"

“Butt prints in the Sand”(A parody of Footprints in the Sand)
One night, I had a wondrous dream; One set of footprints there was seen. The footprints of my precious Lord, But mine were not along the shore. But then some stranger prints appeared, And I asked the Lord, "What have we here?" "Those prints are large and round and neat, But, Lord, they are too big for feet."
"My child," He said in somber tones. "For miles I carried you alone. I challenged you to walk with Me in faith, But you refused and made me wait. You disobeyed, you would not grow, The walk of-faith you would not know.
So finally I got really tired and fed up, And there I dropped you on your butt, Because in our life, there comes a time, When one must fight, and one must climb, When one must rise and take a stand, Or leave their butt prints in the sand."

-- Anonymous

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yoga..incompatible with Christianity?

This topic was recently brought to my attention and many have asked to hear more about the Christian understanding and view of YOGA, amongst other practices. Yoga is prevelant and popular, as well as socially acceptable. But when asked, "is Yoga compatible with Christianity?", there is an answer. The answer may not "jive with you" or "rub you the right way", but this BLOG is meant to portray the Christian and Catholic view and response.
  • What is yoga?
  • Why is it so popular in today's society?
  • Why is it finding disciples among our Catholic faithful?
  • Is it Catholic?
  • Is it just an exercise?
  • Is it right for the Catholic faithful to practice yoga?
The concept of alternative health treatments and the freedom of relating to people of other religions, have led some Catholic faithful into areas of individual exploration. Yoga is popular today, among Catholics and the general population.
These articles are FOOD for THOUGHT... READ MORE

Know more about God the Father

A beautiful and moving work on God the Father. If your interested read on and check out the links. For the e-booklet on God the Father use this link: At Fatima the Virgin Mary invited three children to “offer themselves to the Father”, and to “console the sorrowful heart of the Father”. For us, who are used to considering God the Father as the Almighty One par excellence, this is a new language which almost shocks us: we are able to accept the Son who dies on the cross, but an afflicted Father who needs to be consoled seems absurd to us.Perhaps we are committing the same error as the Jewish people did when they waited for the glorious and triumphant Messiah according to human schemes and then refused him because He was “meek and humble of heart” (Mt 11:29). For us it is more logical and correct that the Father, prefigured in the parable of the murderous vinedressers (Mk 12:1-9), wants to destroy us after we have killed his Son and denied our Faith, the fruits of his Blood (Lk 18:8). But our ways are hardly ever God’s ways, we have always fallen in the error of creating for ourselves a God in our own image.In the past century the Holy Spirit has introduced a new Face of the Father to the Church and to the world, thanks to the shepherd children of Fatima and to some extraordinary human beings (Charles De Foucauld, 1856-1916; P. Gioacchino Rossetto, 1880-1935; Mother Eugenia Elisabetta Ravasio, 1907-1990 and others) who have intensely lived the spirituality of the Father summarized in a powerful and gentle tenderness. John Paul II’s encyclical “Dives in Misericordia” confirmed this new powerful inspiration of the Spirit in the Church.Here we will deal in particular with Mother Eugenia, who we had the grace of meeting, and the message which the Father dictated to her. We have sound ecclesiastical evidence: never before has a private revelation been examined more deeply by a commission of experts – appointed by Msgr. Alexander Caillot, Bishop of Grenoble – and approved after ten years of most rigorous examination. And Mother Eugenia also underwent a series of extreme and meticulous psychic and moral tests. The report Msgr. Caillot made about her and the message, which he included in the dossier submitted to Rome, is more than an imprimatur. “The first thing to emerge with certainty from the enquiry is that Mother Eugenia’s considerable virtues are well established (…) Following the dictates of my soul and my conscience and with the keenest sense of my responsibility to the Church, I declare that supernatural and divine intervention seems to me the only logical and satisfactory explanation of the facts… (…) I believe that the hand of God is in all this. After ten years of research, reflection and prayer, I bless the Father for having deigned to choose my diocese as the place for such touching manifestations of His Love”. In these pages we wish to present the entire Message which Mother Eugenia received in Latin and which we received in the French translation carried out by the Episcopal Commission who enclosed it with the dossier from which it was taken and which we have published.The Message is published in the various languages in which we were able to have it translated, thus allowing everyone the opportunity to download it free of charge; if anyone would like a copy of our editions, please request it.Write us and tell us about your testimony and your opinion; our aim is to give everyone the chance to relate their own experience so that our wonderful Father in Heaven may always be “known, honoured and loved”. FOR THE ENGLISH PDF version here is the LINK:

The evils of contraception and divorce

The following is from a "Christmas Pastoral Letter of Archbishop Hayes" about the evils of contraception and divorce. WOW! This is awesome. Dearly Beloved of the Clergy and Laity: Christmas comes again to bless us with heavenly grace and brighten with eternal hope our journey through this vale of tears...We have been groping for the wall, as Isaias the prophet says, --and "like the blind we have groped as if we had no eyes, we have stumbled at noonday as in darkness" (Is. 59:10). ... Heinous is the sin committed against the creative act of God, Who through the marriage contract invites man and woman to cooperate with Him in the propagation of the human family. To take life after its inception is a horrible crime; but to prevent human life that the Creator is about to bring into being, is satanic.... ...Divorce has become a national curse; and the evil is spreading. Verily it is a deadly disease in our body politic, not to speak of the moral and spiritual harm born of broken homes, broken hearts, seared souls, abandoned children and unholy alliances. READ MORE

Encouragement! Married Saints and Blesseds

Today, marriage is under assault from all sides. The idea of a lifelong, faithful union that is open to life is almost incomprehensible to the modern, Western world.
Widespread divorce, cohabitation and contraception within marriage have all struck terrible blows at this Sacrament.
Read more about how author Ferdinand Holbock has done a great service to the Church and to all Catholic couples in describing the lives of holy, yet married, men and women down the centuries.
What is clear from the book is that married sanctity, whether caring for an often large family or not, calls for the highest heroism. Several of these saints (usually women) suffered greatly in unhappy marriages, when their husbands were neglectful, unfaithful, profligate or abusive. St Rita of Cascia and St Monica are two such; but their patience and forgiveness were exemplary and eventually brought about the conversion of their erring spouses.
Today, an army of counsellors would possibly urge wives to abandon an unhappy marriage; these steadfast examples show us that there is another, more heroic way. On this subject the author gives an amusing quote from the hagiographer, Walter Nigg, in reference to St Elizabeth of Hungary: ‘A marriage can be successful only when an angel serves as a messenger between those united in marriage; this does a hundred times more good than all the modern marriage counselling services put together.Much angelic guidance is surely needed today by couples today. READ MORE ABOUT THIS BOOK REVIEW

WE WIN! by Fr. John Corapi

News Flash: WE WIN! by Fr. John Corapi

As we prepare to enter a new era in politics and perhaps society in general, keep something in mind: WE WIN! No matter what political party is in power at a given point in time, in the end those that remain faithful to Jesus Christ win the war.

We may have to fight many battles outnumbered and even despised and looked upon as criminals and outcasts by a society that is unraveling and degenerating into something no one could have imagined. What matters is that we run the race to the finish line and fight the good fight.

Don't "go with the flow," for as the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen reminds us, "Dead bodies float downstream." More than ever we shall have to be strong in the faith. Regular and worthy reception of the sacraments, constant prayer, and rigorous study of the faith is now essential, not merely a luxury.

The front line and primary battle is going to be the fight for life: the dignity of every human life from the moment of conception to the last moment of natural life. If we lose that one, every other battle space will be compromised. If the government succeeds in establishing abortion as an inalienable "right", then the elderly and sick will be next. It will then be a short and slippery step to the government deciding who lives and dies regardless of their inherent human dignity. If you don't already pray the Rosary every day, please start at once. The prayer of the holy Rosary is the prayer of the holy Gospel, and that means it is the prayer of the Good News Who is Jesus Christ, the LIFE of the world. Many saints will be forged in the crucible of the coming years. Make sure you are among them. God bless you,Fr. John Corapi

Obama Picks Porn Lawyer for #2 at Justice

CHICAGO, February 4, 2009 ( - President Obama has made a major mistake and put America's families at risk by selecting David Ogden to become Deputy Attorney General, says Fidelis, a pro-family organization.
"David Ogden is a hired gun from Playboy and ACLU. He can't run from his long record of opposing common sense laws protecting families, women, and children. The United States Senate has a responsibility to the American people to insure that Mr. Ogden's full record is fully reviewed before any vote on his nomination" said Brian Burch, President of Fidelis.
"Ogden's record is nothing short of obscene. He has represented Playboy Enterprises in multiple cases, Penthouse Magazine, the ACLU, and the largest distributor of hard-core pornography videos. He has opposed filters on library computers protecting children from Internet smut, and successfully defended the right of pornographers to produce material with underage children."

The Message of Fatima - MUCH NEEDED

Fatima is Heaven’s intervention to save us from persecution, war, annihilation, enslavement and hell.
Fatima is a visit by Our Heavenly Mother Mary in our time for our time. It is a Message of concern, a practical plan for world peace, a promise of Heaven. It is Heaven’s interventions to save us from persecution, martyrdom, war, enslavement or annihilation. Above all it’s a way to save our souls from hell.
It is meant for you.
The Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared 6 times to 3 shepherd children; Lucy, Francisco and Jacinta; between May 13 and October 13, 1917. She came to the little village of Fatima which had remained faithful to the Catholic Church during the recent persecutions by the government.
Our Lady’s Message
She came with a message from God to every man, woman and child of our century. Our Lady of Fatima promised that the whole world would be in peace, and that many souls would go to Heaven if Her requests were listened to and obeyed. She told us that war is a punishment for sin; that God would punish the world for its sins in our time by means of war, hunger, persecution of the Church and persecution of the Holy Father, the Pope, unless we listened to and obeyed the commands of God.
Fatima today!
At Fatima, Pope John Paul II said on May 13: "the Message of Fatima is more relevant and more urgent" than when Our Lady first appeared. The message is an anguished appeal of Our Heavenly Mother, Who sees us in great danger and Who comes to offer Her help and advice. Her message is also a prophecy, a clear indication of what was about to transpire in the 20th Century, and what is still going to happen infallibly in the near future, depending on our response to Her requests.
The Church approves Fatima
The Catholic Church has endorsed the Fatima Message since 1930. Five successive Popes have publicly indicated their approval of the apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima and Her message. Two Popes went to Fatima on Pilgrimage. Pope John Paul II went there twice, once on May 13, 1982 and again on May 13, 1991.
A Marvelous Miracle
As a great sign of this whole message truly coming from God, a marvelous miracle was worked in the sky above Fatima before 70,000 witnesses on October 13, 1917, at the time, date and place that Lucy and the other two children had prophesied in the name of Our Lady of Fatima. When he went to Fatima, Pope John Paul II said: "The Message of Fatima is addressed to every human being."
A message of warning and hope
If we do not heed Her soon, then Our Lady’s terrifying prophecy may well be realized in the near future even in our own back yards.She told us that God had chosen to use Russia as the instrument of chastisement to punish the whole world if we did not, by our prayers and sacrifices, and obedience to Her requests (especially those requests for consecration and Reparation) obtain the conversion of Russia to the Catholic faith. She promised us, "If My requests are granted Russia will be converted and there will be peace". But She also warned us, "If My requests are not granted, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world raising up wars and persecutions against the Church, the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated." She has told us that the whole world (the part surviving) will be enslaved by the atheistic tyrants of Russia.
For world peace
In order to prevent these chastisements from befalling us She told us that special Reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary was necessary, particularly the Communions of Reparation on the First Saturday of five consecutive months and the public and solemn Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by all the Catholic Bishops of the world, together with the Pope on the same day at the same hour. In the end Our Lady must triumph
Finally Her message is a promise of the eventual triumph of Her Immaculate Heart over evil.
She promised that no matter how black it might get in the future (and it seems that is the path chosen by most of humanity today) that in the end She will triumph, Her requests would finally be granted by mankind and there will be world peace.

What you must do

It is up to each of us to listen, to read, to learn and to apply this Heavenly message in our own lives, particularly by praying the daily Rosary.
Spread the Fatima Message
  • The Fatima Message must be widely proclaimed, properly understood, loved and obeyed .
  • You need to be informed. You need to help others come to know, understand, love and obey Our Lady of Fatima and Her full Fatima Message. She is relying on all of us to do our part.
  • At least all of us can pray the Rosary DAILY for Our Lady’s powerful intercession.
  • Pray to Our Lady of Fatima and She will help you.
She will also richly reward you for all you do to make known and understood Her maternal message of love and warning given at Fatima. CLICK HERE & READ MORE AT EWTN WEBSITE

Abortion and the Obama Presidency

Pro-lifers in the United States were generally disappointed and discouraged by the results of the 2008 national elections. Barack Obama—as measured by his own record and campaign promises, the most pro-abortion presidential candidate the United States has ever seen—was elected with 52.6 percent of the popular vote. It appears inevitable that the modest but significant political gains made by the pro-life movement since 2000 will be eroded or undone when the president-elect takes office. In some areas the short-term damage may be even more extensive than veteran pro-lifers anticipate.
To step back for some perspective, when Roe v. Wade, the infamous Supreme Court decision striking down state anti-abortion laws nationwide, turned 25 years old in 1998, the pro-life movement was at a low point. Just five years under then-President Bill Clinton had wiped out what little political progress there had been during the Reagan and Bush (I) administrations.
In 1998, to mark that grim 25th anniversary, an anthology of essays entitled Back to the Drawing Board was published, in which around two dozen American pro-life leaders reviewed the political, legal, educational, and social gains and losses since 1973 and recommended courses of future pro-life action. The volume demonstrated that politics is only one area of a much broader social movement, and that practical efforts to help women in need and to educate the American public are as important as political measures.Now, 10 years later, the prospects at the level of the federal government are again bleak, but this time pro-life leaders are not waiting until the second term of a pro-abortion president to take stock.
Anticipating an Obama victory, the Family Research Council, a pro-family policy think tank in Washington, DC, crafted a plan in advance. The FRC will use its expertise and lobbying experience to provide conservative and centrist members of the new Congress with the facts and arguments needed to stop a radical agenda, and it intends to release a steady stream of information to the national media that will highlight the extremism of the leaders controlling the White House and Congress in 2009.
Tony Perkins, president of FRC, emphasized in an e-letter to the group’s members in early November, “Never forget: Extreme liberalism does not work as a governing philosophy. As in the past, the Left is likely to suffer a rapid backlash as their policies are exposed…and as they fail to help Americans.”
On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, the evening after the election, Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life hosted a teleseminar, attended by 7,500 pro-lifers via telephone and Internet, during which 10 national pro-life leaders spoke about how their particular areas of activism could meet the challenges ahead. Most of the presentations were upbeat; some were inspiring. Father Pavone acknowledged at the outset, though, that many pro-lifers are feeling angry and betrayed. “That anger is something that we have to channel and direct to productive activity. What must we do next as a movement?”
In the age of instant communication, the teleseminar has already produced impressive results. One of the speakers, Dan McConaghy of Americans United for Life, described an online petition at urging legislators to reject the Freedom of Choice Act. The number of visits to the webpage surged in the next few days and thousands of signatures were added.So, contrary to the impression that the mainstream media eagerly gives, the pro-life movement in the United States has not crawled into a corner to lie low for the next four years. In the interests of clarifying the condition of the complex pro-life movement, and in the pro-active spirit of the teleseminar, this article reviews the political pro-life achievements during the outgoing administration (2001-2008) and summarizes the assessments, insights, and hopes of four national pro-life leaders interviewed by CWR in mid-November 2008.
Immediately upon taking office in January 2001, George W. Bush revoked an executive order of his predecessor and reinstated the Mexico City Policy, which denies US family planning funding to any organization that promotes or provides abortion or lobbies for its legalization in another country. President Bush also prohibited the use of federal funds for embryonic stem cell research involving the destruction of new embryos (while allowing it for experimentation on stem cell lines that had been developed previous to his executive order). He repeatedly vetoed millions of dollars in appropriations for the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) because of its complicity in the coercive One Child Policy in the People’s Republic of China.In 2003 the Supreme Court heard the NOW v. Scheidler RICO case on appeal and decided in favor of Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League, overturning a lower-court ruling that sidewalk counseling outside of an abortion facility constitutes “racketeering.” Against fierce opposition in the Senate, Bush appointed two “strict constructionist” and reliably pro-life judges to the Supreme Court: Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito. As for the legislative branch, during that same eight-year period Congress passed the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (March 25, 2004) and a ban on the partial-birth abortion procedure.
On his recent trip to Africa, President Bush received a hero’s welcome, chiefly because of the PEPFAR program—the President’s Plan for Aids Reduction. Millions of lives have been saved in Africa through the distribution of antiretroviral drugs to people with AIDS. The program consisted of more than pharmaceutical foreign aid, however; pro-life and pro-family members of Congress and the administration made sure that it also included prevention programs that emphasize abstinence and marital fidelity. As a result, in several countries, including Uganda, the rate of new HIV/AIDS infections has decreased dramatically. Practically all of the achievements listed above will be undermined or reversed by the incoming administration. During the presidential campaign Senator Obama, a co-sponsor of the Freedom of Choice Act, made no secret of the fact that he considers unrestricted access to abortion, at taxpayer expense, good domestic and foreign policy. He openly favors embryonic stem cell research, and he has pledged to select Supreme Court justices committed to Roe v. Wade.
Steven W. Mosher, president of Population Research Institute, has testified before House and Senate committees and met with Bush administration officials to urge them to defund the UNFPA. The PRI has also worked successfully to keep the Mexico City Policy in place.Mosher notes that a major setback to the work of PRI came as early as 2006, “when Nancy Pelosi took over as the Speaker of the House and promptly increased funding for population control programs at home and abroad.” He does not mince words in describing the seriousness of the challenges presented by the Obama administration:The abortion lobby went overboard to elect Barack Obama. Planned Parenthood’s political action committee alone spent at least $10 million in the elections to turn out one million more pro-abortion voters in order to “elect a pro-choice president” and “to keep [their] doors open.” Now it’s payback time.The three things that the abortion movement wants from a President Obama are more money for their [international] contraception and sterilization programs, an end to any and all restrictions on abortions [in the US], and a massive increase in [domestic] government funding, including funding for abortion itself.
Obama has said that he would like to increase Title X funding, much of which goes to Planned Parenthood, to $700 million and to double spending on overseas population control programs to $1 billion.Obama has promised to sign the radical Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which would nullify any and all restrictions on abortion…. He is also an original co-sponsor of the “Prevention First Act,” which will force insurance companies to fund, hospitals to provide, doctors to prescribe, and pharmacies to dispense abortifacient contraceptives. Obama pledges, for example, to provide “compassionate assistance to rape victims.” Translated into plain English, this means forcing you and me to pay for morning-after pills and abortions.
Although the Democrats will control both houses of the national legislature at least until 2010, Mosher pledges to “continue to work with Congress, both against FOCA and in favor of new legislation banning sex-selective abortion, a form of discrimination that feminists refuse to address.” Many Asian cultures traditionally favor sons, and the availability of abortion has resulted in the deaths of over 100 million girls worldwide. “ And it is happening here. According to a recent study published by the National Academy of Sciences, many American groups of Asian descent have the same skewed birthrates as found in their country of origin.”
Mosher encourages “all of those in the pro-life movement to stay the course.” The frontline troops picketing outside abortion facilities or staffing crisis pregnancy centers must remain at their posts. “ In the weeks and months to come, we [at PRI] will continue to highlight abuses in China’s one-child policy and elsewhere. We will make the argument that population control programs not only violate the right to life, but also human rights. We will point out the contradictions in the liberal mindset, how liberals talk incessantly about human rights but deny the unborn the right to be human.”
On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, Father Frank Pavone posted a sobering letter on the Priests for Life webpage emphasizing the disparity between the pro-abortion views of the president-elect and the values of the American people. A few lines from the letter follow:It would be a serious mistake for people to think that this election means the pro-life movement has no political power. All politics is local. Political power is about people. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was once told that civil rights legislation would be impossible to pass, given the political realities. “We’ll just have to see about that,” he replied. And the civil rights movement was born, stirring the hearts of the people to lead the nation to the victory of justice.
So it is with our movement. The vast majority of Americans are pro-life. They will fight abortion on the local level….Father Pavone candidly acknowledges that “personnel is policy” and that “the 7,000 or so appointments that will be made by the new president to various positions that influence public policy will be pro-abortion ones, with the only likely exception being the ambassador to the Vatican.” He anticipates that, at least during a first term of a Democratic president, “the only changes on the Supreme Court will be the replacement of liberal justices with liberal justices, which, while it slows the progress of the court, at least would not reverse it.”
In the recent past, Father Pavone observes, “ our biggest obstacle has been our own fears and hesitations, especially those distorted and exaggerated forms of legal concerns within the Church that keep us from saying and doing things that are not only legally permissible but morally obligatory.” Pastors need to preach on the obligation to vote for pro-life candidates, and parishes should plan voter registration drives.During the teleseminar, Father Pavone remarked, “Sometimes we [pro-lifers] don’t hold on to the White House or Congress, but we always hold on to the streets.” As he explained to CWR, “The more the government fails in its duty, the more the churches have to be activated.” The pro-life movement has “an immense grassroots outreach through the churches,” and pro-life lobbying, rallies at abortion mills and demonstrations will continue unabated.The national director of Priests for Life sees many reasons for hope in long-range trends.
A generation of “survivors”—young people who themselves might have been aborted legally—is becoming increasingly involved in all aspects of the pro-life movement. “With the notable exception of politicians,” who often exchange their principles for votes, “the flow of conversions goes from pro-abortion to pro-life.” Women who regret their abortions are speaking out publicly as medical, psychological, and sociological evidence accumulates for the physical and emotional harm that they have suffered. Over half of America’s freestanding abortion clinics have closed since 1993, while fewer and fewer doctors are willing to perform abortions and exposés of corruption turn public opinion against the industry. He concludes that the pro-life movement is winning. When asked, “What, in your opinion, are the most effective things that a parish priest can do to hasten the day when abortion will again be unthinkable and illegal?” Father Pavone replied,If our priests preach clearly about (a) the alternatives to abortion, inviting people to come to the Church when they need help in their pregnancy; (b) the forgiveness and healing after abortion, inviting those under its burden to likewise come to the Church; and (c) the reasons abortion is wrong, then the people will respond. The priest should give his people the opportunity to see abortion visually , to hear the testimonies of women and men of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, to pray at abortion mills (with him present leading them), and to carry out the dozens of other pro-life activities available to them.
When asked to reflect on the progress that the pro-life movement has made over the past eight years and the setbacks that it has experienced, Judie Brown, president of American Life League, noted that during that time ALL youth outreach programs quadrupled in size and the number of grassroots groups affiliated with ALL increased from less than 20 to 96. “Most importantly, we have crippled Planned Parenthood’s efforts in numerous states. American Life League, Stop Planned Parenthood International and Rock for Life have the honor of being listed on the abortion cartel’s ‘Top 10 Enemies’ list. We are encouraged beyond words as the growth continues.”While more and more pro-life Americans are becoming effective activists, legislative progress at the national level has not kept pace, she says:
The movement as a whole has lost precious time politically, due to the movement’s identification with partisan politics, rather than demanding consistency from elected officials, regardless of party affiliation. In my opinion, the best evidence for that slippage is the fact that the entire pro-life political movement was distracted for nearly 12 years by a single political focus: obtaining a partial-birth abortion ban, rather than using those years to press for a total abortion ban. To barely hang on to a piece of legislation that will not, in fact, stop any abortion is not a good sign for the movement’s political involvement. Fortunately, American Life League is not a political organization. Instead, ALL emphasizes education in pro-life principles. During the 2008 election campaigns, for example, several organizations associated with ALL, notably Pro-Life Wisconsin, “were deeply involved in raising awareness about voting responsibly and the dignity of the human person.”Although the personhood referendum in Colorado failed, ALL “is extremely proud of the tireless efforts of Kristi Burton and all those [members of] Colorado for Equal Rights,” who put the question on the ballot and helped to publicize the initiative. “We see that effort as an incredible boost to personhood efforts nationwide…. [Victory] is achieved by persistently pursuing principle….”In Mrs. Brown’s estimation, the greatest challenge presented by the results of the 2008 presidential and congressional elections is twofold:
The first is educating each member of Congress on the reasons why the Freedom of Choice Act is nothing more than a concerted effort to enshrine abortion into law as a civil right, which is preposterous.
The second challenge is to use that educational opportunity to focus on the preborn child’s humanity and individual personhood, which removes the act of abortion from consideration as a political “issue” and puts it squarely where it should be considered—as an act of murder that must be outlawed once and for all.ALL is already poised to begin that educational campaign, because for 30 years now it has been pursuing the legal recognition of the personhood of every single preborn child, without exception. They have developed a four-and-a-half-minute DVD entitled Baby Steps that uses live-action 4D ultrasound imagery to illustrate 16 stages of gestational development. The video can be viewed online, and crisis pregnancy counselors armed with notebook computers have already used the DVD to save at-risk preborn babies. ALL also works to educate the public about the lethal effects of many pharmaceutical “answers” to the problem of unwanted pregnancy. “Abortion promoters are committed to advancing their cause by ‘chemicalizing’ abortion so that the actual ‘abortion clinic’ becomes a non-issue. This means we must expose the fact that certain chemicals can cause abortion, including those in hormonal contraceptives.” In the event that future plans for nationalized healthcare policies require doctors and pharmacists to prescribe and dispense abortifacient drugs, ALL “will work with Pharmacists for Life International’s leaders to make certain that those who are tempted to do away with freedom of conscience understand that such an action would be contrary to the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.”Mrs. Brown, a devout Catholic, is acutely aware that the pro-life movement is fighting a spiritual battle. For years ALL has been calling on the American Catholic bishops to teach more forcefully about the sacredness of human life and to refuse Holy Communion to Catholic politicians who publicly dissent from that Church teaching. In mid-November 2008 she said, “American Life League is deeply grateful to the more than 100 Catholic bishops who made it clear, during this past election cycle, that killing innocent people prior to birth is the most critical question facing our nation today and that supporting it should disqualify candidates from receiving your vote. We do believe, however, that the bishops need to be much more forceful in their defense of the Eucharist.”
Forty Days for Life is a relatively new form of pro-life demonstration, consisting of three components: 1) people of faith are invited to pray and fast for an end to abortion during a specified period of forty days; 2) volunteers are recruited to maintain a peaceful round-the-clock vigil outside the local abortion facility during that time-frame, to raise awareness about the injustice taking place there and as a sign of hope to those who may be seeking an abortion; 3) the pro-life message is spread in the local community at churches and schools, through the media and even door-to-door. The movement started about four years ago in Texas; the third national 40 Days for Life campaign was conducted from September 24 to November 2, 2008, in more than 175 communities in 47 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa and two Canadian provinces, with tens of thousands of people participating.

David Bereit, national campaign director of 40 Days for Life, has traveled throughout the United States and witnessed the galvanizing effects that the program has on local pro-life activism. He admits that all three of the components have been part of pro-life activism in the past, “but by bringing it all together at one time, for a very focused period of 40 days, it seems to bring a dynamic into play that we have never seen before…. It gives people something that they can do locally to effect change; it is a focused project that has a beginning and an end, and over time it has had a proven track record.”The statistics reported during the most recent 40 Days for Life campaign are impressive: 543 babies and their mothers were saved from abortion, a number of clinic employees quit their jobs, several abortion centers cut back hours, and one abortion facility closed down for good. One lasting benefit of 40 Days for Life is that it focuses and unifies local pro-life activism, says Bereit. “We’ve had pregnancy centers involved, post-abortion healing ministries, educational and right-to-life groups, legislative and legal groups. This is something that has brought people together, even from diverse faith backgrounds. I’ve been blessed to see how people who may not see eye-to-eye theologically can stand arm in arm together in an effort like 40 Days for Life.” Whereas the program began in an Evangelical Christian community, it is estimated that as many as 70 percent of the participants in the fall 2008 campaign were Catholic.Although it was generally ignored by the national media (with the exception of Christian TV, radio, and periodicals), Bereit reports that 40 Days for Life enjoyed a “huge surge of local media coverage.”
More than 100 local papers, radio, and TV stations covered it because it was a controversial story playing out in their communities…. Surprisingly, the local news coverage in the secular media has been overwhelmingly positive, probably because the approach that we’ve taken is peaceful, prayerful, and solution-oriented rather than confrontational. It does not fit the stereotype that the abortion industry has tried to paint for the pro-life movement.The third national 40 Days for Life campaign created tremendous momentum to establish “ongoing pro-life efforts in the community or to build on existing pro-life efforts,” Bereit says. Several communities decided to continue maintaining a pro-life presence at the local abortion facility, for instance, during 40 hours of each week. Bereit says that the national coordinators have been deluged with requests for training in sidewalk counseling.
Long-time pro-life strategist Michael Schwartz, in his talk during the November 5 teleseminar, recalled that only once during the past 80 years, in 1988, was a US president who had completed his term(s) of office succeeded by a new president from the same political party. In other words, the pendulum has swung. Democrats gained 20 seats in the House of Representatives, but the net loss of pro-life votes was considerably less, because many of the unseated Republicans were pro-abortion. Schwartz commented, “We can’t allow the pro-life movement to become a subset of the Republican Party.” FOCA may be a ferocious law, but it is on a very short leash. The Family Research Council announced that its contacts in Congress say that House Democrats are reluctant to stir up the values voters at the beginning of the Obama administration and that proposal of that legislation has been postponed indefinitely. On the Friday after the elections, Christopher Smith (R-NJ), a veteran Congressional pro-life leader, estimated that in the new House of Representatives there will be 200 members in the pro-life caucus. Smith, Schwartz, and FRC agree that FOCA cannot be passed, and that pro-lifers will be able to stop many of the pro-abortion bills that are introduced in 2009-2010.
Those in office make momentous decisions, but whether or not Roe v. Wade is the law of the land, the pro-life movement can change the hearts and minds of individual human beings and reshape society starting with the local community. As David Bereit put it, “ This fall, a political battle was lost, but hundreds of lives were won. I am convinced that those victories will have far greater impact…. It was the result of people putting their faith into action right where they live.”