Saturday, April 18, 2009

African AIDS: the facts that demolish the myths

The mystery of why AIDS has been so devastating in Africa has been solved. And it’s not lack of condoms. Pope Benedict XVI has been heavily criticized by the Media... but he in fact seems to have the only hope that the World has been seeking...but are they ready to listen... it seems not... But let the facts demolish the myths...a Harvard expert on AIDS prevention, [said] bluntly "the Pope is actually correct". Dr Green is no lightweight in the field of AIDS research. He is the author of five books and over 250 peer-reviewed articles -- and, he added, he is an agnostic, not a Catholic. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

The Truth about Aids, Africa and the Pope

The Truth about Aids, Africa and the Pope: "In fact, without the Catholic Church the situation might be much worse. The AIDS disaster in Africa weighed heavily on the Pope. Ten years ago he appealed to “the world’s scientists and political leaders, moved by the love and respect due to every human person, to use every means available in order to put an end to this scourge”. And Catholics have responded.
About 27 per cent of health care for HIV/AIDS victims is provided by Church organisations and Catholic NGOs...They form a vast network of clinics which reach the poorest, most remote and most neglected people in Africa...statistics suggest that the true story may be quite the opposite to the tune sung by the media: that Catholic observance may, in fact, be the best prophylactic. A great assumption is that condoms are essential for preventing AIDS in Africa. Research shows otherwise, and quite the opposite... READ MORE BY CLICKING THIS LINK

The Rights for healthcare professionals is under attack

There is a issue that would mean the critical loss of access to healthcare professionals who are being systematically pressured to violate ethical standards.
Right of Conscience is a basic fundamental right protected in our constitution. This right for healthcare professionals is under attack. Forcing healthcare professionals to violate their conscience is not good medicine nor does it provide good outcomes.
Tell the President to keep the conscience protection regulation!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

What Bishops have said about Obama and Notre Dame

A HIGHLIGHT OF SELECTED QUOTES by several AMERICAN BISHOPS speaking up against the scheduled invitation of President Barrack Hussein Obama to the commencement of Notre Dame, where he is expected to receive an honorary degree.
Bishop Thomas Doran - Rockford, IL: (strongest words yet)...rescind this unfortunate decision...avoid dishonoring the practicing Catholics of the United States. Please have the decency to change the name of the University to something like, “The Fighting Irish College” or “Northwestern Indiana Humanist University.” It is truly obscene for you to take such decisions as you have done in a university named for our Blessed Lady, whom the Second Vatican Council called the Mother of the Church. Bps Martino & Dougherty - Scranton, PA:...demeans, we believe, the intelligent urgency exercised by the nation’s bishops in this matter. Bishop Thomas Olmsted - Phoenix, AZ: It is a public act of disobedience to the Bishops of the United States... No one could not know of the public stands and actions of the president on key issues opposed to the most vulnerable human beings. ArchBishop John J. Myers - Newark,NJ: {to award honors, awards etc...} create{s} the perception that we endorse their public positions on these issues. We cannot justify such actions, and the Bishops have stated so clearly and strongly. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo - Galveston/Houston: I find the invitation very disappointing... the fundamental moral issue of the inestimable worth of the human person from conception to natural death is a principle that soaks all our lives as Catholics, and all our efforts at formation, especially education at Catholic places of higher learning. The president has made it clear by WORD and DEED that he will promote abortion and will remove even those LIMITED sanctions that control this ACT OF VIOLENCE against the HUMAN PERSON.... this decision requires charitable but vigorous critique. Bishop Cardinal Francis George, President USCCB: Whatever else is clear, it is clear that Notre Dame didn’t understand what it means to be Catholic when they issued this invitation,"......when you’re Catholic, everything you do changes the life of everybody else who calls himself a personal Catholic – it’s a network of relationships. ArchBishop Eusebius Beltran, Oklahoma City, OK: I am appalled, disappointed and scandalized! Notre Dame University has certainly turned against the Catholic Church.... Bishop William Lori - Bridgeport, CT: “Notre Dame extended this invitation unilaterally, seemingly without regard for the consequences for the mission of the Catholic Church in the United States. It is contrary to the efforts of bishops, parish priests, and laity to resist the anti-life decisions, policies, and legislation promoted by the Obama administration.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Twins -- one aborted, one survives!

Twenty-nine years ago, my mother decided to have an abortion. At the time, she was pregnant with twins, but nobody knew this, not even her doctor. My tiny brother and I were both there growing in her womb, until that dreadful day. Before the abortion, we were both alive. Moments later, I was alone. It's frightening to think I was almost aborted when my mom had a D&C abortion. Somehow, miraculously, I survived! My twin brother wasn't so lucky. Andrew was aborted and we lost him forever.

Several weeks later, my mother was shocked to feel me kicking in her womb. She already had five children and she knew what it felt like when a baby kicked in the womb. She instantly knew that somehow she was still pregnant. She went back to the doctor and told him she was still pregnant...that she had made a big mistake and that she wanted to keep this baby.

To this day, my mother deeply regrets that abortion. I know the pain is unbearable for her at times when she looks at me and knows she aborted my twin brother. Mom says 'the protective hand of Almighty God saved my life . . . that God's hand covered and hid me in her womb, and protected me from the scalpel of death...


Monday, April 13, 2009

URBI ET ORBI Easter 2009 - click HERE to watch VIDEO

As he does every Christmas and Easter, Pope Benedict the XVI speaks to the World in his message URBI et ORBI - to the City and to the WORLD! WATCH THE VIDEO BY CLICKING HERE
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Rome and throughout the world,

From the depths of my heart, I wish all of you a blessed Easter. To quote Saint Augustine, “Resurrectio Domini, spes nostra — the resurrection of the Lord is our hope” (Sermon 261:1). With these words, the great Bishop explained to the faithful that Jesus rose again so that we, though destined to die, should not despair, worrying that with death life is completely finished; Christ is risen to give us hope (cf. ibid.). Indeed, one of the questions that most preoccupies men and women is this: what is there after death? To this mystery today’s solemnity allows us to respond that death does not have the last word, because Life will be victorious at the end. This certainty of ours is based not on simple human reasoning, but on a historical fact of faith: Jesus Christ, crucified and buried, is risen with his glorified body. Jesus is risen so that we too, believing in him, may have eternal life. This proclamation is at the heart of the Gospel message. As Saint Paul vigorously declares: “If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.”....


Message URBI ET ORBI of his Holiness Benedict XVI - EASTER 2009 - ENGLISH
Mensaje URBI ET ORBI de su Santidad Benedicto XVI - PASCUA 2009 - ESPAÑOL
Messaggio URBI ET ORBI del Santo Padre Benedetto XVI - PASQUA 2009 - ITALIANO
Botschaft und segen "URBI ET ORBI" von Papst Benedikt XVI. - OSTERN 2009 - DEUTSCH

La Eucaristía

Sin la fuerza que viene de la Eucaristía no se puede vivir ninguna vida eucarística.
Pensar lo contrario, que sin Eucaristía, sin participación activa, viva de la Misa, sin adoración al Santísimo se puede lograr cualquier cosa es simple voluntarismo. El Señor ha dicho: sin mí nada podréis. En la Eucaristía, Jesús nos habla. Te llena de paz, de serenidad, de esperanza. No podría vivir sin la Eucaristía definitivamente, y me encantaría asistir más a menudo a la misma. Salgo totalmente renovada y llena de fe y confianza en el Señor, segura de su total y absoluta protección y guía, para mí y para los míos. (comentario de un usuario de Facebook)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter - the Reason - the greatest event in HIS-story

¡Felices Pascuas! - Buona Pasqua - Schöni Oschtere - Sretan Uskrs - Joyeuses Pâques - Frohe Ostern - Blessed Easter! Jesus Christ has risen, let us rejoice and be glad.

Today we celebrate the most important event in the history of the world. Jesus' bodily resurrection is the exclamation point of our faith. May we follow His example and be witnesses of this greatest news ever told to others.

Jesus has truly risen! Alleluia!... Alleluia!... Alleluia!

What powerful words! This Sunday around the world people will be worshiping and praising the Lord, singing songs with words that say:

"Christ the Lord is Risen Today," "Worthy is the Lamb," "Because He Lives I can face tomorrow," "My Redeemer Lives,""Christ Arose," and "Mighty To Save."

May you and I never forget the chorus from "Christ Arose" by Robert Lowry which says:Up from the grave He arose With a mighty triumph o'er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign; He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

He's Alive. He arose. Jesus Christ defeated the enemy! Praise the Lord! Regardless of your personal circumstances, may you turn your eyes back to your Lord and praise His Holy Name for what He has done for you and for ALL.

Jesus Christ paid the price, and shed His Blood for each of us to receive forgiveness of our sins and receive His redemption. Today you have a choice, to serve your Lord and continue to pray, to Walk in faith, trusting and believing in your Lord God's mighty power.

Despite fears of failure, Christ has already succeeded. In the midst of terrible temptation, Christ has already conquered sin. During terrible pain and suffering, Christ has brought hope. We have no reason for eternal sorrow, only eternal joy.

It is Easter that gives our pains, both chosen and inflicted, meaning. Often times we forget about this hope Christ has won for us. When bogged down with research papers, daily assignments, or semester projects, it is easy to dwell on the pains of life. When we see our peers making harmful choices, or encounter a lack of charity in our culture, and when we ourselves cannot overcome a temptation, it is difficult to hope for a happy ending. But, if we deny there is one, or forget to hope for one, we are living a life without Easter. We are denying the gift which was purchased at such an incredible price: Hope!

Click HERE for the VATICAN WEBSITE for Pope Benedict XVI's words on Hope