¡Felices Pascuas! - Buona Pasqua - Schöni Oschtere - Sretan Uskrs - Joyeuses Pâques - Frohe Ostern - Blessed Easter! Jesus Christ has risen, let us rejoice and be glad.
Today we celebrate the most important event in the history of the world. Jesus' bodily resurrection is the exclamation point of our faith. May we follow His example and be witnesses of this greatest news ever told to others.
Jesus has truly risen! Alleluia!... Alleluia!... Alleluia!
What powerful words! This Sunday around the world people will be worshiping and praising the Lord, singing songs with words that say:
"Christ the Lord is Risen Today," "Worthy is the Lamb," "Because He Lives I can face tomorrow," "My Redeemer Lives,""Christ Arose," and "Mighty To Save."
May you and I never forget the chorus from "Christ Arose" by Robert Lowry which says:Up from the grave He arose With a mighty triumph o'er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign; He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!
He's Alive. He arose. Jesus Christ defeated the enemy! Praise the Lord! Regardless of your personal circumstances, may you turn your eyes back to your Lord and praise His Holy Name for what He has done for you and for ALL.
Jesus Christ paid the price, and shed His Blood for each of us to receive forgiveness of our sins and receive His redemption. Today you have a choice, to serve your Lord and continue to pray, to Walk in faith, trusting and believing in your Lord God's mighty power.
Despite fears of failure, Christ has already succeeded. In the midst of terrible temptation, Christ has already conquered sin. During terrible pain and suffering, Christ has brought hope. We have no reason for eternal sorrow, only eternal joy.
It is Easter that gives our pains, both chosen and inflicted, meaning. Often times we forget about this hope Christ has won for us. When bogged down with research papers, daily assignments, or semester projects, it is easy to dwell on the pains of life. When we see our peers making harmful choices, or encounter a lack of charity in our culture, and when we ourselves cannot overcome a temptation, it is difficult to hope for a happy ending. But, if we deny there is one, or forget to hope for one, we are living a life without Easter. We are denying the gift which was purchased at such an incredible price: Hope!
Click HERE for the VATICAN WEBSITE for Pope Benedict XVI's words on Hope